The Rev. Dr. John Paul Powell
Office: 847-392-3111 Ext: 1
E-Mail: jp.powell3335@gmail.com
The Reverend Dr. John Paul Powell of Wheaton, IL is warmly welcomed by Community Presbyterian Church members, friends, and the community on November 1st, 2021.
Dr. Powell has a wealth of experience and education, graduating from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA with a Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry and a Doctor of Ministry. Dr. Powell has served as Senior Pastor at Presbyterian churches for 45 years in Chicago, San Diego, Pittsburgh and Lubbock, Texas. At First Presbyterian Church of Sherman Oaks, CA, Dr. John Powell served as a co-pastor with his wife The Rev. Dr. Pamela Powell. We are thrilled to begin a joyful and long-standing relationship with both of them!
The Powells' three grown children and their families live in Los Angeles, Lubbock TX, and Wheaton IL. Community Presbyterian has had the privilege of working with the Powell’s daughter, The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt and her husband The Rev. Dr. David McNutt when they served as guest pastors at CPC. Their warm caring spirits and thoughtful teachings clearly run in the family.
Dr. Powell’s impressive credentials, personal theological perspective, multiple talents and hobbies will be enjoyed by Community Presbyterian as we embark on this new and blessed relationship.
Jessica Munao
Parent's Day Out Director
Office: 847-253-2592
Cell: 847-845-2491
E-Mail: pdo@cpchurch.org
Robert Kattke
Coordinator of Music Ministry